We were sent out to map the dense forest of our new colonial holding in South Suterland. As we went deeper into the woods, we noticed a low laugh in the darkness. The men shaken but determined carried on. Soon after belongings of the party began dissapearig. Nothing quite of note went missing early but slowly more important items began vanishing, a can of food, a pack of matches or in my case… ammunition and once again a laugh from the darkness louder each time. As we made camp for the night, boulders! Flung through the air as if a mountain came down on us! Laughter rang as I finally got a glimpse of the aggressor! A creature standing approximately 9 feet tall, red eyes, disproportionately large arms, exampling incredible agility and strength, launching boulders at us and having the time of it’s life, laughing away! I orderd my men to open fire and luckily the creature returned to the darkness after eating a few rounds. It mournfully retreated as if this was a game and was no longer fun! There were notable casualties and we needed to retreat. We returned later with a team of Monster Tamers but we were unable to locate the creature. In my anxiousnes I ordered the forest to be set a blaze. Nothing was left… I’m sure we got the bastard… but even as I have returned home to civilization I sometimes hear the laugh in the darkness.

-Royal Scout Rifles 86 Division: Sargent Davis Brozier