Palmetto bugs have shortened my lifespan.
Everything in the South shortens someone’s lifespan. Palmetto bugs aren’t the only reason I moved out of Florida, but they’re definitely on the list somewhere.
Moving out of FL sounds like one of those things you’ll look back on someday and not regret at all.
Like moving out of any post-industrial place that has become an absolute shithole.
Yeah, I’m looking at you, Middlesbrough.
I know palmetto bugs are cockroaches and I believe they may have shortened your lifespan but they aren’t the flying types, right?
/r/cospenis is that way.
My student accommodation had cockchafers. The university didn’t believe us until one of my friends presented them with one in a matchbox.
Cochafers and Cockroaches aren’t the same species btw
a.k.a Slippah Bugs
Aren’t you supposed to not kill cockroaches? i thought it’d attract more or something