How much did she steal to get arrested over snacks???
Edit; Nevermind, I found it. It was £6 worth of snacks. She actually would have gotten away with it but she was still trying to use the card four days later…
Basically she got arrested for being a dumbass lol
Look at her eyes. No ragrets.
I mean, it’s more the theft of the dead persons credit card than the actual £6…
Fuck me, they can’t pay and trest them fairly, but they sure can fuck them for 6 quid.
6 quid this time. Who knows if she’s done it before or would have done it again after. Fucking with the finances of a family who just lsot someone isn’t the most ethical thing. I don’t know if I’d want her in the position to do this again or something else.
when you play to much RPG and get used to loot your kills
Perfect explanation!
how else would someone explain risking getting arrested and ruining a career for a snack?
Was this the dead person?
Is this Jeff Bezos dying?
Please stop, I can only get so hungry and erect.
He is, just like everyone else, which is not fast enough, unfortunately.
Why is “Dead Patient” capitalized?
First name: Dead
Last Name: Patient
i mean, who she robbed?
the estate of the patient soon to be created on probate court
I’m not a lawyer but I thought there’d have to be a victim for charges, maybe it the next of kin?
Also, who’s going to pay the new charges she racked up? It’s kinda like credit fraud at this point. Next of kin aren’t really responsible for those bills (unless he was married or something). I’m sure there’s some law they can pin on her lol
Any outstanding debts are the responsibility of the person’s estate. The estate is never going to have to pay out more than it’s worth, but anyone that the dead person owed money to is going to get paid first.
She looks the type