Vet said he needed shots to boost his nerves and if he doesn’t respond well in a couple days he’ll do an X-ray and decide on a further course of treatment. He’s back to purring in my lap again. Hug your kitties extra tight for me tonight.

    10 months ago

    It sounds like you caught it pretty early. Earlier than where it would be at for many pet parents.

    Just give him love and encouragement, and do what you can to help him out. Try and reassure him the best you can through this uncertainty. Im sure hes just as confused about whats happening to him as you are. Sometimes things just happen. All you can do is to be the best friend to him that you can be and hopefully treatment will help.

    You did good and you’re giving it all you got. That’s what counts.

    Also, depending on the diagnosis, treatment needs, where your located, and your amount of resources, there maybe places with state of the art facilities that can help. Here we have Texas A&M. They can handle things like rare disease, chemo, dialysis, and complicated surgeries. If it looks like the appropriate thing to do, it maybe worth asking your vet if there’s someplace like that around you.

    Good luck and I wish you guys the best.