The Roald Dahl Museum has condemned the racism of the author in a new statement.
One thing a modern world needs to come to grips with is that a person can both be extremely talented and have negative qualities. Humans by their very nature have both good and bad traits, thoughts, and opinions. We can’t bury the fact that someone who contributed work that we enjoy had some awful views. But on the other hand, that doesn’t mean when you need to completely wipe his work from the face of the Earth. We have to find a way to show that someone is capable of creating great work and still not be a perfect or necessarily even good person.
See orson Scott card as another more modern example. Still a great author.
Pity about being Mormon though.
I don’t have a problem with that. There are plenty of decent Mormons, just like there are plenty of decent people in any religion.
But I do have a problem with Card’s rabid homophobia.
The fact that there are decent Mormons doesn’t mean that the entire religion itself isn’t a steaming pile of rancid dog shit.
I was raised in it.
Terrific writer, massive piece of shit.
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